Planning My First Vegas Nightclub Experience
Our forum member oliviaik asked this question about Hotels and Nightlife
My two sisters and I are planning on going to Vegas in May for the youngest one’s 21st birthday (maybe one more girl if she brings a friend). I have never been to a nightclub before. . .ever. We would like to go to them each night of our trip. I have read about general admission, guest lists, and hosted entry and yet I am still very confused. We are not interested in table service, so that has definitely been ruled out. I know it is still really early, but here are my questions. First, what is the difference between getting on the guest list and getting a host? Or, is getting a host how you get on the guest list? Second, does getting on the guest list get you in for free or not? Do you get to skip the line if you are on the guest list or go through a different line at all? Finally, last time I was in Vegas, there were people all along the strip handing out little cards for free/reduced entry to the nightclubs. Are those used in the general admission line? Is it better to get on the guest list or pick up one of those cards from someone along the strip?
Forum member responses:
Guest listing should get girls into most clubs on most nights for free. There typically is a separate line for guest listing, and even sometimes a separate line for guest listing with groups of all girls. You are better off contacting a promoter, someone who specializes in guest listing, for the specific club you are trying to attend each night than getting dubious cards on the street, but a host, someone who specializes in bottle service, can often also guest list people if you have trouble finding a promoter for a specific club. Hosted entry is one of the most expensive options and should be used as a last resort if some other plan falls through.
Typically if you start your night early, around 10pm-11pm, guest listing is a great way to save money, but you can typically expect long lines and potentially having to pay if your group runs late, so if your group is prone to tardiness sometimes just buying presale tickets online is the way to go.
Read The Full Thread On Our Forums: Here.