Courtney Smith

Courtney Smith

Venue of Employment: Drais nightclub

Job Title: Model marketing cocktail waitress

Instagram Handle: @commehither


If not originally from Las Vegas, where did you move here from?

I moved from Hawaii about a year and a half ago


How did you start working in the nightlife or hospitality industry? Give a brief work history / background.

I used to work in restaurants and bars in Hawaii as a bartender. I moved here January of 2017 and auditioned for all the beachclub sand was denied by all of them! After my little pity party, I decided to hit the gym and crush auditions for 2018. After losing 20 lbs, I auditioned again and were denied by all of them again, but was offered a nightclub position at Drais which I was ecstatic about after having “failed” all those times.


Now that you are working in the industry, what is different about your lifestyle?

Nothing too different since I’ve worked this type of schedule before. If anything, I go out a lot less now that I’m at a nightclub.


What does a typical day at work look like for you and what is your “normal” schedule?

On the “normal” days that I work, I usually don’t wake up till 11/12. If I’m motivated enough, I’ll hit the gym before having to go to work.


How long does it take you to get ready for work?

No more than 1/2 an hour 45 minutes.


How many nights a week do you go out (to a club)? 

This is a funny question because other than going to work i don’t go to nightclubs weekly. When I first moved here that’s all I did was party and go to clubs, but i’ve definitely simmered down a lot since working at a nightclub. I’ll go from time to time though.


Who is your favorite DJ/performer in the Las Vegas market right now?

I’m always hyped when we have Migos at Drais. As for DJ’s, Steve Aoki is always wild and he’s just fun to watch!


What is your drink (alcoholic) of choice?

Shot? Patron with a lime. Drink? Ketel soda


What is your secret cure to a hangover? 

Each hangover is case by case basis, sometimes i need to sleep for two days, or drink a juice shot cocktail of lemon, ginger, turmeric and garlic, followed by 8 Tylenol, and 2 ibuprofen and then sometimes a soda will do the trick


What was the longest timeframe you have stayed awake? When and why?

I want say the longest i’ve stayed up was 3 days. In college i’ve definitely pulled those all nighter study nights and party weekends.


What do you enjoy most about working in the nightlife or hospitality industry in Las Vegas?

The scenery. Everything about las vegas and lv nightlife in particular is so grandiose, luxurious, and beautiful. from the lights that are iconic on the strip to the decor in every restaurant and club. it’s mesmerizing really. sometimes i just feel like i’m working on vacation.


What is your least favorite part about working in the nightlife or hospitality industry in Las Vegas?

Though it’s fun to work in a fun environment, you’ll always get those few guests who just don’t know where the line is between being friendly and just being a perv or even just being rude. just because it’s Vegas doesn’t mean you can throw all manners out the door.


If you were not working in nightlife or hospitality, what would you be doing?

It’s hard to say since i’ve been in the industry for so long. but if i didn’t find my place in the industry i might’ve gone back to school for a graduate degree.


Do you have a mentor in the industry? If so, who? If not, who would you like to be mentored by?

I do not. if anything, since Drais is my first nightclub i’ve worked at in Vegas, the other dolls have definitely helped us new girls out.


Craziest or most memorable experience working in the nightlife or hospitality industry in Las Vegas?

The best memories are the ones i can’t exactly remember, but from the ones i can remember they all involved Ms.Tayler Gonsalves and Patron.